New Windows

So, you've decided to purchase new windows for your Pittsburgh home. Window replacements are a great way to increase your home's energy efficiency and beauty. However, they can also be expensive and have an average lifespan of 15 years. You don't need to worry, though. There are a number of simple ways you can get the most of your new window installations and extend their life. 

Simple Tips for Extending the Life of Your New Windows

It doesn't matter how well you maintain your home. There are always home repairs and improvements that need to be made. Window replacements are one project every homeowner has to invest in at least once. Luckily, there are many advantages to purchasing new windows for your Pittsburgh home. Not only will your home's value increase, but your home will become more energy-efficient, which will save you money on your energy bills. 

Replacing all the windows in your home can be expensive. Therefore, it's essential to do all you can to keep them in tip-top shape for as long as possible. While you can't control everything, there are some things you can do to keep your windows beautiful and functional. 

Here are three simple tips to extend the life of your new windows:

  • Routine Maintenance: Regularly cleaning your windows not only lets the most amount of light in, but it also helps keep your window features free of dust and debris. Whether you choose wooden windows, aluminum windows, or vinyl windows, you should clean your tracks, frames, and window panels regularly to keep dirt out and extend their life. 
  • Responsible Care: We've all seen the movies and tv shows where the main character throws their windows open when the weather's nice. However, doing so could cause damage to your windows. There may be an object in the way that your windows could hit, causing your windows to break. Or, there could already be slight damage to your windows that could be made worse by flinging your windows open.
  • Timely Repairs: Windows are designed to withstand the elements. However, accidental damage does happen. You should fix even minor damage to your window features right away. Many window companies offer warranties that you can use to repair damage and help prolong the lifespan of your new window replacements. 

Trust the Professionals at Legacy Remodeling for All Your Window Needs

Legacy Remodeling has been a trusted Pittsburgh window company since 1987. We are committed to making sure our premium window installations last for years. Some of the benefits you receive by working with our BBB-accredited company include:

  • Quality Products
  • Professional Installation
  • Flexible Financing and Affordable Prices
  • Customizable Window Options

If you're ready to learn more about how to get beautiful, durable windows for your home, call us today. You can also fill out our online form to get a free price estimate.