Voltaire once said that originality is nothing but judicious imitation. Imitation follows information. The more ideas you expose yourself to, the better you’ll understand how to use what has worked for others in the past to help you achieve your goals.
Read MoreIt may be surprising to think of visualization in a kitchen remodeling context. For the professional athlete on the day before a big game or as a self-help measure to build confidence before a stressful day visualization might be helpful, but how does it apply to my new kitchen?
Read MoreYou pull up to your home and admire the cracked paint speckling the side of your house, perfectly accenting the fungus that has recently appeared on your decaying siding. As the sun begins to set, you think to yourself that life couldn’t get any better. Or could it?
Read MoreWhen you think about a home improvement project , the considerations are seemingly endless. Any time you make a change to your home, you are making a decision that will directly affect your life on a daily basis.
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