If you’re ready to transform your bathroom, follow these three tips to achieve a smooth and low-stress remodel.
One: Work With A Bathroom Design Professional and Contractor
Before you tackle a bathroom remodel project, ask yourself one question: Can you accomplish your goals using the current layout of the bathroom, or will the floor plan need to be modified? If the room requires expansions or changes in the existing space, a professional bath designer is in order. A professional will not only be able to help you get the most from your space, but he or she will also be able to help you choose the right materials at the right price, all while considering your personal style and budget.Design professionals also take the lead when it comes to managing the construction phase of the bathroom remodel project. Living without a functional bathroom can be extremely frustrating, and working with a professional bath design staff can keep downtime to an absolute minimum. They are also there to troubleshoot any issues and keep your overall stress level as low as possible. Even if you are extremely handy, it is always advisable to leave bathroom remodels to professional contractors. If you work with a designer, it is likely they will have their own licensed and insured contractors on staff, saving you the hassle of searching for and vetting your own workers.
Two: Know When It’s Necessary to Splurge
When it comes to a bathroom remodel, quality counts. There is no doubt the project will be expensive, and many homeowners can get caught tripping over dollars to save pennies. Using cheap material may save you some upfront costs, but if those materials fail after just a few years (or even a few months), you’ve really saved nothing. Quality and durability are essential in a room where moisture is ever-present. Many areas of the bathroom greatly benefit from higher-end materials, such as granite vanity tops and top-of-the line ventilation systems.Work closely with a designer to choose the right materials for each feature of the room. If you are wary of the recommendations or don’t like being “sold,” do some advanced research to learn the best materials for each area of the bathroom so you are making informed decisions.
Three: Consider the Future
When remodeling a bathroom, it is essential to meet your current needs, but you must also think about the future. Will your family be growing in the next several years? Do you require safety features like grab bars or expanded entries for a walker or wheelchair? How much space will you need four years from now versus today?You must also consider the impact of your bathroom remodel on the resale of your home. Upgrading a bath can always have a positive impact on value, but if you customize the bathroom too much, it can sometimes be a turnoff to potential buyers. If you’re planning on staying in your home for 20 years, then neutral features aren’t as important, but if you’re not sure how long you will be in one place you might want to consider a middle-of-the-road design.
Turning a tiny, dark, dingy bathroom into an indoor oasis is always an exciting prospect, but bathroom remodels are no small undertaking. In order to achieve the bathroom of your dreams, it is best to work with professionals who can help you plan the work and work the plan. If you are ready to transform your bathroom, contact the team at Legacy Remodeling in Pittsburgh today.

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