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This is a simple first step that people don’t often consider. Traditionally, when you choose exterior colors, it is best to take a top-down approach. Therefore, the first thing you should consider when deciding on a siding color is to pick a color that will complement your roof. Since most roofs are simple tones, this won’t really limit your options, but if you’re struggling to get started, this is a great place to begin the process.Look Around
Consider every factor that contributes to the aesthetic appearance of your home. The presence of different naturally occurring elements of the landscape can play a major determining role in selecting a siding color. Trees, rocks, and bushes can create a great contrast for certain siding colors. Without a vibrant landscape, you may want to select a siding that is a little more exciting. Knowing the effect your landscape will have on the appearance of your house will help your selection process.Copy Your Neighbors
Finding the perfect siding color could be as simple as looking out the window or taking a short drive through the neighborhood. This may seem a little intrusive, but on a practical level it makes a lot of sense. Unless you live out in the country miles from another house, your house is not an isolated piece of architecture. You share styles, features, and yes, even colors, with the other houses in your neighborhood. Observing the sidings around you can give you a perfect chance to see what colors work, and which colors don’t, in a very convenient setting. Taking advantage of this opportunity is just smart.Stay True to the Home’s Style
Picking a color that completely disregards your home’s style will highlight your house in all the wrong ways. In addition to being an eye-sore, you can reduce the home’s value. An ugly home will be less enjoyable to live in and more difficult to sell when the time comes to move on. Staying true to your home’s style will give your home a cohesive, classic feel that will highlight its appearance in a natural way.Don’t Pick Your Favorite Color, Pick the Right Color
Once you get a color stuck in your mind, it can be difficult to think of alternatives. With all the considerations that were involved in the first four tips, don’t lock onto a final color too hastily at the end. When you have narrowed down your options, compare different shades on a color pallet to get the perfect shade. Comparing close alternatives will give you the final confidence that you’re not just picking a suitable shade, you’re picking the best possible color.These five tips can help alert you to factors that you might not have considered in your decision making process. With these steps, you can narrow down your options and choose the color that will maximize your home’s exterior appeal.

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