One of the major reasons for mold growth is due to excess humidity. It is essential to learn how to control moisture around the windows and doors of your home to prevent mold growth. In Pittsburgh, windows are subject to a lot of moisture concerns. Here are some tips on how to detect moisture problems and what you can do to treat mold growth.

Locate the Water Source

If mold spores are left alone, they will continue to multiply until there is a serious problem. Cleaning mold growth during an early stage of development is the best thing you can do to prevent it from becoming a health hazard. If you are using a humidifier, adjust the level to reduce the amount of water released into the air. If the window sills are holding excess water due to condensation, inspect the seals around the window or even consider replacing the windows. Open the windows to allow the moisture to escape from the house. Use fans to blow excess condensation from the window sills. An ideal choice for homes in Pittsburgh, picture windows can help to provide proper lighting to a home as well as reduce excessive condensation.

Cleaning the Mold

Most molds are non-toxic if you catch them in an early stage of growth. Usually the mold can be removed with a mixture of bleach and water. Vinegar and water also works well to kill the mold spores. An important quality to look out for is the color of the mold. If the mold is black or very dark, contact a certified mold removal company to handle the issue. Black mold can cause serious health issues. Other mold types normally cause mild allergic reactions, including a runny nose, sneezing, and possibly rashes. If the mold has grown underneath the window panes or inside the window sills, you will need a full-frame window replacement to clear out the mold properly.

Keep a fan in any room where you use a humidifier or hang laundry. Many people use drying racks for certain types of clothing, but this will release excess moisture into the air. The added moisture typically accumulates around the windows, increasing the likelihood of mold growth.

Preventing Health Problems

It is a wise decision to clean around the windows monthly to inhibit mold growth. Since condensation around windows is common, especially in winter, a simple wipe-down is the best way to prevent mold issues. If mold is not cleaned properly, it will continue to grow until it causes respiratory problems, which can eventually lead to serious health concerns. Simply cleaning with detergent, vinegar, or bleach, is the best way to clean and prevent mold growth.

If you suspect there is a mold problem inside your window system or you experience continual mold growth around your windows, contact the professionals at Legacy Remodeling. One of our Pittsburgh remodeling contractors can help you detect the problem and design a windows solution right for your home.