Embrace The Power Of Paint
Painting is one of the most economical ways to dramatically change the look of a bathroom. Choose a water-based primer and mildew-resistant paint to keep your walls in great shape. However, it is important to keep one thing in mind: if your existing paint is peeling off the wall, it is a sign of a severe moisture problem that paint cannot fix. If moisture has gotten out of control in your bathroom, you should consult with a bathroom remodeler to update and improve your plumbing and ventilation systems.Lighten Up Your Life
Nobody wants to begin and end their day in a dark, dreary bathroom. If your lights are dated or if they cast dark cast shadows, swap them out for brighter, more energy-efficient LED fixtures. You can also lighten up the room by trimming any trees or shrubs around the windows that may be blocking natural light.Mirror, Mirror
Is your medicine cabinet boring or outdated? Replace your cabinet with something new. There are an endless number of affordable options that can give your bathroom an instant facelift. If you aren’t quite comfortable hanging your own mirror or cabinet, shop for a unique picture frame and hang it around the mirror to add something new.The Devil is In the Details
Take a look at the hardware around your bathroom. Updating drawer pulls, towel racks, facuets and other fixtures can be an easy – and inexpensive – way to update your bathroom without remodeling. Don’t forget your temporary accents like toothbrush holders, bath mat, rugs and curtains. You can use them to add a pop of color without a long-term commitment.De-Clutter and Re-Organize
Is your bathroom cluttered with shampoo bottles, curling irons, brushes, and unused beauty supplies? A little bit of organization can go a long way towards making your bathroom look and feel clean and fresh. Anything that does not get used on a daily basis should be stored away. Next, consider adding new shelving units or storage cubbies on an unused wall. If you lack wall space, look up! High cabinets can be a practical way to add storage when floor and wall space are at a premium.It’s easy to update your bathroom without remodeling, but you may be surprised at how far a small budget can go. If you want to do more than just DIY a facelift, and you’re interested in budget-friendly bathroom remodeling ideas, contact the team at Legacy Remodeling in Pittsburgh today.

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